Sunday, August 25, 2013

Boots On The Ground?


What’s equally as intriguing as boots on the ground inside of the Syrian border is the fact that these troops and intelligence officers reportedly made their way into the country on August 17th, fully four days before reports and images surfaced showing hundreds of men, women and children killed by a chemical weapons attack allegedly at the hands of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The purported attack, which some experts argue was a set-up, left even the pacifist government of France calling for military intervention.

Throughout history governments have deflected blame for economic disasters by turning their efforts to a far off enemy and going to war. It’s certainly no accident and it’s a forecast that contrarian observers have made repeatedly as the global economic crisis deepened.

Is this what we’re seeing play out right now?

Article @ SHTF Plan


  1. They tried to play this "chemical weapons attack" back in January to justify attacking Syria. I did not work then.

    They just keep on plying out the same old lies until the dumbass public finally goes for it.

    Gads, this BS just gets tiresome!


    1. They tried to play this "chemical weapons attack" back in January to justify attacking Syria. I did not work then.

      They just keep on plying out the same old lies until the dumbass public finally goes for it.

      Agreed 100% and if he is overthrown, the citizens will very shortly realize that they made a huge mistake, as has been seen in other countries.
