Friday, December 19, 2014

First K-Mart, now Big Lots closing in Ferguson

Via Bill

Can't imagine why........

Well done Ferguson looters! You’ve managed to close K-Mart and Big Lots, and kill jobs in your community. You should be proud of your ‘protests’ for gangsta thug Michael Brown. Thanks to you, hundreds of working people in Ferguson will no longer have an income, and some wouldn’t even be able to afford Christmas presents. All because of your rioting and looting. You thugs must be so proud.

Of course the politically correct hacks at Big Lots claim that they aren’t closing their Ferguson store because of the riots and looting. Yea, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence right? 


  1. If we could get them to stop paying people for existing they wouldnt have the time nor energy to loot/destroy/burn their own neighborhoods. Make them pay for their own housing, maybe they will take care of it. Social darwinism. No work- no eat.

    1. Absolutely. I tell commies to go to Vietnam since it's a Communist government the welfare benefits are twice what are in the states. Some say, really? :) Talk about a no work-no eat country. :)

  2. What took them so long? Ferguson is an unstable environment for business. The looters have insured that more people will be jobless and no new businesses will open. If I was in charge of the city, I wouldn't send a cop or a firefighter near that place. Let the area degenerate into a cesspool of lawlessness, drugs and violence. It's a perfect tribute to Michael Brown.

    1. Let the area degenerate into a cesspool of lawlessness, drugs and violence. It's a perfect tribute to Michael Brown.

      I wholeheartedly, Agree, Sir.

  3. The Ferguson riots were were part of a plan and the cops standing down and the
    National Guard no where in sight were to allow Ferguson to burn as I read there
    is a strip mall in the works.
    WWII was fought for communism - General Patton could not understand why
    he was not allowed to attack the commies. Same with McArthur.

    1. part of a plan and the cops standing down and the National Guard no where in sight were to allow Ferguson to burn

      Supposedly they said it would be better to let them rampage than arrest the lot. Water hoses should have been ready at the start as they had plenty of time, but it is was programmed from DC, I am sure.
