Thursday, May 31, 2018
McCain and the POW Cover-Up
Via Billy
Eighteen months ago, TAC publisher Ron Unz discovered an astonishing account of
the role the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, John McCain, had
played in suppressing information about what happened to American
soldiers missing in action in Vietnam. Below, we present in full Sydney
Schanberg’s explosive story.
Sydney Schanberg has been a journalist for nearly 50 years. The 1984 movie “The Killing Fields,” which won several Academy Awards, was based on his book The Death and Life of Dith Pran. In 1975, Schanberg was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting “at great risk.” He is also the recipient of two George Polk awards, two Overseas Press Club awards, and the Sigma Delta Chi prize for distinguished journalism. His latest book is Beyond the Killing Fields( This piece is reprinted with permission from The Nation Institute.
John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a
Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from
the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who,
unlike him, didn’t return home. Throughout his Senate career, McCain
has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions
that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as
classified documents. Thus the war hero who people would logically
imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their
families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and
closing the books.

Sydney Schanberg has been a journalist for nearly 50 years. The 1984 movie “The Killing Fields,” which won several Academy Awards, was based on his book The Death and Life of Dith Pran. In 1975, Schanberg was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting “at great risk.” He is also the recipient of two George Polk awards, two Overseas Press Club awards, and the Sigma Delta Chi prize for distinguished journalism. His latest book is Beyond the Killing Fields( This piece is reprinted with permission from The Nation Institute.
* * *
More @ The American Conservative
White House Demands Response from Time Warner After Samantha Bee Calls Ivanka Trump a C**
The White House is demanding a response from Time Warner and TBS after comedienne Samantha Bee called President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump a “feckless c**t.”
“Her disgusting comments and show are not fit for broadcast and executives at Time Warner and TBS must demonstrate that such explicit profanity about female members of this administration will not be condoned on its network,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement to reporters.“You know, Ivanka, that’s a beautiful photo of you and your child,” Samantha Bee said on her TBS comedy show, referring to a photo that Trump’s daughter posted on Instagram. “But let me just say, one mother to another, do something about your dad’s immigration practices you feckless c**t!”
Sanders condemned Bee’s language as well as the “collective” silence from the establishment media.
“The language used by Samantha Bee last night is vile and vicious,” she said in a statement to reporters. “The collective silence by the left and its media allies is appalling.”
Free Tommy Robinson
Tommy Robinson is a thorn in the side of the Globalists who rule the United Kingdom (UK). For that reason, he has been targeted by them. His recent arrest is so obviously an attempt to silence him that there have been demonstrations in many cities, not just in the UK, but in Australia, Germany, and the US. Bloggers and citizen journalists are taking up his cause, because Free Speech matters.
Regardless of what you might think of his message, he has the right to be heard, even in the UK. The Globalists in the UK are hiding their actions behind a wall of silence. Tommy has attempted to break that silence. His arrest and imprisonment is a farce. And it jeopardizes his well-being, his very life.
If they can treat Tommy Robinson in this way, they can treat anyone in the same way.
Here in the US, the Mainstream Media and the Far Left Globalists want to silence us. They used the IRS to attack conservative organizations. They use Facebook and Google to silence conservatives and libertarians. The Mainstream Media is silent about the crimes of Globalists.
Tommy Robinson has the courage to speak out. We must do the same.
Free Tommy Robinson. Free us from the censorship of the Globalists.
The Tommy Robinson affair is backfiring on those who seek to silence him. Support for him is growing.
Lee the Philosopher

Our culture has, of late, become rather fixated on the idea that every historical figure in our past should have anticipated how moral worldviews would evolve after his or her death. Now, clearly, this is impossible. Picasso and Hemingway, to take two great artists who were also generally terrible people, could not (and should not) have thought about how their work would be viewed decades hence. To do so would have made for rather less interesting work—art in the service of popular opinion, rather than art in the service of art.
Not that this distinction matters to contemporary progressives, who have embraced a peculiar cultural quest: whitewashing our history and purging it of anyone who did not conform with contemporary moral standards. This has led to what we might call the Great Erasure, which is an attempt to “correct” the allegedly benighted views of the past and “align” our culture with our new and “improved” moral standards. Thus the tearing down of monuments, the attempt to erase people like Bill Cosby from memory, and the insistence that art and history should always and everywhere be in the service of that most nebulous and vaguely defined of crusades: social justice.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Giuliani: No Trump-Mueller Interview If We Don't Get to See Documents on FBI Informant
Rudy Giuliani wants to see the documents that House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy was briefed on that led him to the determination that the FBI was justified in using a secret informant who had contact with members of the Trump campaign.
"I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Trump," Gowdy said on Tuesday evening after receiving a classified briefing from the Justice Department.
More @ Fox
Numbers USA:Please vote on both editorials
The results from yesterday's alert are extremely encouraging. 84 percent of readers agree or strongly agree with Roy's op-ed for E-Verify and reducing chain migration; while 77 percent disagree or strongly disagree with USA Today's editorial for a no-strings amnesty.
Thank you to those of you who voted! Here is another opportunity:
Mark Levin on Trey Gowdy’s Defense of Obama’s Spygate Scandal
Via Billy

Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin blasted “slip and fall
lawyer” Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., Wednesday over the lawmaker’s claims
that the FBI did the right thing by planting a spy in the Trump
Gowdy defended the FBI on multiple television appearances for spying on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, arguing
“the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when
they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with
Donald Trump.”
Levin, the former chief of staff to Attorney General Ed Meese, dismantled the congressman’s Spygate apologetics point by point.
Levin, the former chief of staff to Attorney General Ed Meese, dismantled the congressman’s Spygate apologetics point by point.
More @ The Gateway Pundit
Santa Fe Survivors Accused Of Racism Against Black Classmate.
"It's very disappointing that people are going to take a race issue out of a picture with nine grieving girls in it."
Last week, the official NBA account tweeted out a photo of Santa Fe high school shooting survivors holding hands during a moment of silence before a basketball game. After Twitter users accused the white students of racism for not holding a black student's hand — one tweet in particular going viral — the alleged victim's mother stepped in to shut down the race baiter.
More @ The Daily Wire
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Defending the Monuments & Silent Sam

After the Charleston shooting in 2015, all across the old Confederacy memorials, monuments, flags and other symbols of the South’s Confederate history came under renewed and severe assault. It seemed that the last vestiges of that heritage might be swept away in a paroxysm of politically-driven outrage and media-hyped efforts to purge the landscape of those symbols.
In many ways North Carolina became ground zero for these efforts. But the Tar Heel State also witnessed a pushback from defenders of the state’s heritage who organized successfully and were able, for the moment at least, to fend off the worst of those attacks. Most significantly, working with a conservative and Republican General Assembly, the state’s Sons of Confederate Veterans division, was able to secure passage of one of the nation’s strongest Monuments Protection Laws [NC General Statute 100-2.1].
More @ The Abbeville Institute
Saigon in 1968

Pedestrians dodging traffic on colorful streets, squatting vendors
tending baskets stuffed with fresh fruits and sunlight splashing
lethargic afternoons along the vier – these photos from 1968 contain
many of the scenes that contribute to modern-day Saigon's unique
But for all the similarities, the shots from American photographer John
F. Cordova reveal some of the ways life has changed here. Large,
western steel-frame cars stand-in for today's sleeker Asian models; the
subdued, conservative fashion come from a time before ubiquitous
branding; and the bright sky peaking above the wharf is delightfully
devoid of smog. The city was no less bustling than it is today, but the
soft colors cast a placid sheen over the commotion.
Check out the photos below to witness the city's intrinsic and time-tested personality:
More @ Saigoneer
Lockheed Martin F-35 Fighter Poised To Become One Of America’s Biggest Exports
Via The Daily Timewaster
The tri-service F-35 fighter has completed development and begun deploying overseas. At least 11 foreign countries will buy it, and if it turns out anything like the F-16 it is replacing, the number of foreign buyers could eventually be twice that number. Which raises the interesting question of how big a contribution F-35 might eventually make to the U.S. trade balance. Prime contractor Lockheed Martin figures it will sell around 1,500 of the fighters overseas, which at today’s prices would be worth about $150 billion. But then there’s life-cycle support, software upgrades, airframe modifications, attrition replacements, new demand stimulated by wars, etc. In then-year dollars, the export income from F-35 across half a century of service could ultimately approach a trillion dollars.
The tri-service F-35 fighter has completed development and begun deploying overseas. At least 11 foreign countries will buy it, and if it turns out anything like the F-16 it is replacing, the number of foreign buyers could eventually be twice that number. Which raises the interesting question of how big a contribution F-35 might eventually make to the U.S. trade balance. Prime contractor Lockheed Martin figures it will sell around 1,500 of the fighters overseas, which at today’s prices would be worth about $150 billion. But then there’s life-cycle support, software upgrades, airframe modifications, attrition replacements, new demand stimulated by wars, etc. In then-year dollars, the export income from F-35 across half a century of service could ultimately approach a trillion dollars.
More @ Lexington Institute
Why let the law stand in your way? The cities of Richmond and Portsmouth have decided to ignore the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Why let the law stand in your way? The cities of Richmond and Portsmouth have decided to ignore the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. They know that moving war monuments violates that law, yet they are both moving forward with plans to do just that. They know that there is a court case in Charlottesville. They know that 6 attempts in the State House and Senate to change that law were defeated. None of this has slowed them down in their efforts. I know this for a fact because I am there as often as possible to hear them make their hateful proposals.
The Portsmouth case made no sense what so ever. The City of Portsmouth dragged the Stonewall Camp # 380 into court for absolutely no reason. Neither the City Attorney nor the Judge in the case could even define what the case was about. The ruling was nothing that all parties were not already aware of. For the past few decades, no one has been able to determine just who does own the Portsmouth Confederate Monument. The Judge in this case was also not able to make that determination. Out of pure vindictiveness, the City of Portsmouth caused the Stonewall Camp the burden of unnecessary legal fees to defend something that did not even need defending.
I also attended the final meeting of the select panel (7 members) that will submit a recommendation to the Richmond City Council as to the fate of the monuments on Monument Avenue. The obvious answer is that nothing should be done with or to these monuments. What sort of twisted thinking would cause anyone the desire to bring any harm to these great works of art.
According to the panel, the results of the polls taken were:
36% away with the monuments
22% voted.......leave as they are
27% voted.......leave in place with interpretation added
16% opinion either way
I know that adds up to 101%, their figures......not mine. Who is to say what else may be incorrect or skewed? None the less, this poll shows a clear majority of 49% in favor of leaving the monuments in place. The meeting itself was very telling. There was a (crowd) of 11 spectators. Of this number, at least 2 were city employees who were there to assist with running the meeting. Of the remaining 9, I had only one obvious ally, H. V. Traywick, Jr. He gave each member of the panel a well written handout of the facts relevant to Virginia's part in "The War". The problem is, that these people are not interested in facts. Facts of any kind, about any thing only serve to confuse and irritate them. This was demonstrated by their comments. One member stated that Monument Ave. had no impact on tourism in Richmond. There would be no noticeable effect if all the monuments were gone. One member of the panel commented on his views of Richmond when he moved there in 1982. He did not say where he had moved from, but I wager that it was somewhere North of the Mason-Dixon line. This same panelist proudly stated that 1 in 9 people living in Virginia are from foreign countries. He went on to say that this part of Virginia History is not relevant to them. It sounds like this carpet bagger wants all of us native Virginians to pick up and get out. Does he have any suggestion where we might go? We certainly know where he can go!
Another ridiculous comment was that this issue has nothing to do with race. Are they joking?? Every comment they make is about race. According to them the War was about nothing other than slavery. The monuments were put up in the "Jim Crow Era" to intimidate "African Americans". They also think the only reason we want the monuments to remain is to continue to intimidate and irritate "African Americans". Do they really believe these things? You can be assured that they really do!
The bigotry, hatred, and racism are not coming from us. These thoughts are emotional not based on facts, and that is hard to fight. One place we can fight and win is at the voting booth. Get out and vote! Talk to your neighbors and friends and get them out to vote! Campaign for those who support us! Be at the polls on June 12th!
B. Frank Earnest, Heritage Defense Coordinator, Virginia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans
North Carolina’s Team Bigun is headed to the Horsepower Wars $10K Drag Shootout!
Yost’s highly successful, street-driven ’68 Camaro.
The leaf spring record-setting “Tooth Jerker” with Barnett at the controls.
“We had a lot of family and friends to help out with the vote count, and we had a ton of good companies to share our posts and give them likes and it went really well. All the Drag Week guys, all of Lyle’s supporters, and groups like Real Tuners and Leaf Spring Nation, they all pushed our stuff,” said Yost.
More @ Horsepower Wars
Barbara Spectre

Unless you’re pretty deep in the so-called “Alt-Right” movement, or at least actively monitoring it, you’re probably scratching your head and saying “WHO?” Let me introduce you to someone who, IMHO, rises to the level of Benedict Arnold. On two fronts.
Barbara Spectre is a Jewish woman living in Europe, who – based on the evidence I’ve been able to gather – is on the Left-side of the political spectrum. Given that the spectrum in Europe is shifted significantly leftward from that in the US, that’s certainly putting her on the far-Left in terms of the US scale. Now let me be clear: she is entitled to believe this, even if I would vehemently disagree with her Leftism as contrary to the Judaism I learned. Quoting a great essay, Why Jews Support the Democratic Party, by Evan Sayet (bolding added
Put simply, the more Jewish is the person, the more they reject the policies of the Democrat Party. This should not be the least bit surprising as Modern Liberalism – the dominant ideology of today’s Democrat Party – is the very antithesis of Judaism.
But no, her Leftism – much as I disagree with it as being in contradiction to Judaism – is not why I condemn her. (Side note: too many American Jews identify more as liberals than as Jews, as Evan Sayet noted, which – alas – leads to a conflating of the two.) I condemn her for two specific reasons. Here’s the first.
More @ Red Pill Jew
Update of Passive Subversive Terrorism within The Liberal Party of Canada
Via Cousin Dale
This last six months of events within Canada have certainly
educated the Canadian public as to how passive subversive terrorism has
been adopted by the Liberal Party of Canada. I have been vastly ignorant
and critical regarding the decisions and plans of the Liberals, because
their every action just happens to fit the description for the
extremist islamic strategy of war against free countries. Let us review
shall we?
Deliberate stagnation of our economy and resource sectors: We
certainly saw everything but progress or intelligence regarding the
development of any oil pipeline. In fact, all "efforts" were put forth
to ensure that the pipeline chosen for expansion would be the one that
faced the most protests and environmental concerns. We watched as
everything became ridiculous and two provinces forgot they were in the
same country. Alberta and British Columbia were deliberately set upon
one another, while Native protesters had a wonderful time tooting their
horns and pooping their pants. Without any intelligent leaders to
properly negotiate, Kinder Morgan had no choice but to set a deadline.
For those of you that fail to understand, deadlines are set as a last
result when absolute idiots cannot get anything done. I predicted that
the Liberals would practice filth politics and divisional tactics
against Canadians, and what have we witnessed? How about that carbon
tax, eh?
More @ South Asks Southerner
Avenatti Withdraws Motion to Represent Stormy Daniels in Cohen Case After Taking a Beating From Judge For ‘Publicity Tour’
Stormy Daniels’ sleazeball lawyer Michael Avenatti took a beating in a Manhattan federal court Wednesday morning by Judge Kimba Wood.
Avenatti subsequently withdrew his motion to represent Stormy Daniels in the Cohen case after the judge blasted him for his ‘publicity tours.’
More @ The Gateway Pundit
Matt Drudge: ‘New Low’ for Ambien Maker to Mock Roseanne ‘While They Drug a Generation’
Conservative media pioneer Matt Drudge slammed drugmaker Sanofi-Aventis on Wednesday for mocking Roseanne Barr’s suggestion that her racially charged remark about Obama White House aide Valerie Jarrett was induced by Ambien.
“The drug company mocking Roseanne for her mental illness while they drug a generation is a new low!” Drudge tweeted at the drugmaker’s Twitter handle,The first report — published by Thought Catalog, titled “44 Ambien Stories That Will Creep You The Eff Out” — is a listicle of people recounting their bizarre experiences while on the drug.
One person says they had no recollection of purchases they made on Amazon.
More @ Breitbart
The Maltese Phantom of Russiagate’
In the shifting narratives of the Trump-Russia probe, a Maltese academic named Joseph Mifsud has remained a linchpin regarding claims of collusion. He is the professor who allegedly told Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos that the Russians had emails related to the Clinton campaign. The FBI says it opened its investigation in late July 2016 after Papadopoulos relayed that information to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer, and the Australians tipped off U.S. authorities.
While some news accounts describe Mifsud as an accomplice to Russian clandestine operations or a “cut-out” (intermediary), others contend he is a full-fledged Russian spy.
More @ RCI
Military Vet Who Survived Benghazi Attack Blasts Parkland Activist For Tweet

Remeber a time when there wasn't a school shooting every week? I don't because I wasn't alive.
I remember, it was before your generation started shooting up the schools David, even though we still had guns. Thank you for confirming..again...that it’s not the gun, it’s person, and in particular you & your peers millennial culture. @davidhogg111 #whenhoggsaysstupidshit #2A
More @ The Daily Wire
White House blasts 'double standard' over Olbermann, Hill, Griffin, Behar anti-Trump comments
Via Billy
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders says
President Trump wants to know why Disney CEO Bob Iger hasn’t apologized
for the “horrible things” said by its anti-Trump personalities like
Keith Olbermann, Jemele Hill, Joy Behar and Kathy Griffin.
“Where was Bob Iger's apology to the
White House staff for Jemele Hill calling the president and anyone
associated with him a white supremacist?” Sanders asked during
Wednesday’s press briefing, referencing the ESPN host. “To Christians
around the world for Joy Behar calling Christianity a mental illness?”
Behar is a frequent Trump detractor.
More @ Fox
RNC's First MS-13 Ad Against Democrats Starring Pelosi.
"Democrats' Midterm Message: MS-13 Killers...They're Not So Bad."
The Democrats knew it was coming, but that can't make it any more pleasant to watch. The Republican National Committee has released its first "Democrats defend the brutal MS-13 gang whose motto is 'Kill, Rape, Control'" ad — and it's appropriately brutal.
More with video@ The Daily Wire
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Behind the walls of S-21
Two men who were imprisoned at Tuol Sleng, Bou Meng and Chum Mei, and a former guard, Him Huy, were interviewed for this film in 2006, more than 25 years after the tragedy of Democratic Kampuchea.
Cracks in the Treasury of Virtue
A review of Division and Reunion: America, 1848-1877, by Ludwell H. Johnson, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1978. 301 pages; and The Secret Six: John Brown and the Abolitionist Movement, by Otto Scott, New York: Times Books, 1979, 375 pages.
It was Flannery O’Connor who remarked, in one of her short essays, that people will believe anything about the South as long as it is strange enough. She was speaking of the obstacles to acquiring a proper understanding of fiction with a Southern setting, but she could just as well have been referring to Southern historical writing. There is probably no subject under the sun that has spawned a greater amount of nonsense.
People who would never dream of passing judgment on contemporary Uganda or Elizabethan poetry without years of study feel no hesitation in passing sweeping judgments on the South. They embody their “knowledge” and conclusions not only in TV epics but in works of serious history.
More @ The Abbeville Institute
George Soros admits Nazi collaboration with no regrets
A 1998 interview by Steve Croft of 60 Minutes of George Soros which Anderson Copper claims never happened.
Pompeii: New find shows man crushed trying to flee eruption
Via The Daily Timewaster

at the Pompeii archaeological site have announced a dramatic new
discovery, the skeleton of a man crushed by an enormous stone while
trying to flee the explosion of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 A.D.
officials on Tuesday released a photograph showing the skeleton
protruding from beneath a large block of stone that may have been a door
jamb that had been "violently thrown by the volcanic cloud."
victim, who was over 30, had his thorax crushed. Archaeologists have
not found the victim's head. Officials said the man suffered an
infection of the tibia, which may have caused walking difficulties,
impeding his escape.
archaeological site's general director, Massimo Osanna, called it "an
exceptional find," that contributes to a better "picture of the history
and civilization of the age."
An Open Letter & Report: Fort Myers, FL
On Monday, May 21, 2018, alongside the Honorable Attorney David McCallister, don in the uniform of the southern soldier, we would make our way to the beautiful City of Ft. Myers, Florida in Lee County. On this night we had come once again to stand before the City Council with members of our Southern family to voice our negative vote to the attempts to move the bust of the Honorable General Robert E. Lee, the namesake of the County.
As I sat there in the Council chambers listening to a bevy of white women who had climbed into bed with the domestic terrorist of the NAACP in voicing their demand that the purported racist bust of the General be removed and the total beat down of the Southern white man; I could not help but think about the gallant ladies of Memorial Associations who worked so hard to raise funds to erect Cenotaphs of our fallen heroes all across the South at a time when there was but inklings of money to be had because carpetbaggers and the hoard army of Lincoln and Grant had plunder the Southern coffers to near depletion as well as the personal wealth of its citizens.
How sad, I thought , but the worse was yet to come that would make the rants of Rawls of St.Augustine look like a picnic with the Pope; " the President of the Ft. Myers NAACP sporting a name (Muwakkil) of the real slave traders ( African Muslims ) who destroyed a thriving civilization in West Africa.
Muwakkil already had gained a reputation for being a liar, as he had falsely accused to the FBI and a willingly to print news media that some member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans had made a threat to take his life for a paltry sum of $500. Something that didn't take long for the FBI to disprove.
Some of the things he had to say about the General: (1) Nothing in history that ever says that General Lee ever helped the United States (the 23 years that General Lee spent in the U.S. military I suppose he spent playing hop scotch); (2) General Lee terrorized Black folks (even the Northern press who were unhappy about the General tendering his resignation from the U.S. military and had written much fake news about him didn't go this far); (3) Lee refused to recognize the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves and captured them and put them back into slavery(not worthy of comment); (4) Lee committed treason something that Lee was not accused of, or tried for by the Federal government, much less convicted of my any court ...ever); (5) Lee suspended the prisoner exchange program (it was Ulyses S. Grant who ordered this program to stop); (6) black units who surrendered to Lee were murdered by the General who refused to accept their surrender ( a charge that was leveled not at Lee but at the Honorable General Nathan Bedford at Ft. Pillow, but one he was exonerated of by the U.S. Congress).
I see no need to continue on with the rant of this man as it continued on for far too long at the discretion of the Mayor and Council who let him tie a rope around his neck with the web of lies he spouted as fact.
When my time came to address the Council, I would tell them that as I had sat there listening to this NAACP President, at first I would ascertain that here was a man that just didn't know history. However, that conclusion was wrong; he had lied and was pure and simple ... a liar.
And after what I had seen the past weekend at St. Augustine , and earlier at Bradenton, Tampa, and Lakeland, has led me to believe that these domestic terrorist who now have descended upon my homeland have come with another agenda as they weaponize our monuments to eliminate the police, to eliminate President Trump and anything they don't agree with as they use race to foment hate.
I would tell the Council that I could spend the total 3 minutes they had allotted defending General Lee, however it was not necessary because they knew how great a man he was. I would leave them with the message that the General's body servant Rev. Mack Lee left to his people. (Rev. Mack had educated himself from the funds left to him by the General, started the first Credit Union in America for the purpose of helping the now so called freed Africans, started churches in both the North and South). "Get yourselves educated, buy some land, keep your faith in our Lord and Master Jesus Christ, and beyond all else, put your trust only in the Southern White man."
I would conclude that Lee should be remembered not merely as Lee the soldier, or even as Lee the educator, but also as Lee the man...the man of honor, the great gentleman, good and decent human being who others, even his enemies knew could be trusted without reservation. His life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in nature might stand up and say; "this was a man"! God bless you!
Your brother,
A Member of Save Southern Heritage Florida
U.S. Consumer Confidence Rises in May, Current Conditions Hit 17-Year High
Consumer confidence rose in May after a modest decline in April, according to the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index.
The monthly consumer confidence index rose to 128, up from 125.6 in April, the Conference Board said Tuesday.Consumer views of current economic conditions increased to a 17-year high, indicating that the economy is likely growing at a faster pace in the second quarter than it did in the first three months of 2018.
Expectations for the future also increased, although less dramatically. This suggests that the economy is unlikely to gain further momentum in the second half of the year, according to Lynn Franco, the director of Economic Indicators at the Conference Board.
“Overall, confidence levels remain at historically strong levels and should continue to support solid consumer spending in the near-term,” Franco said.
Views of the labor market were mixed. The share of consumers saying that jobs are “plentiful” rose to 42.4 percent from 38.2 percent a month earlier. The share saying jobs are “hard to get” also increased, from 15.5 to 15.8 percent.
The outlook for labor was similar. The share expecting more jobs in the months ahead increased to 19.7 percent from 18.6 percent, while the share expecting fewer jobs also increased, rising to 13.9 percent from 13.2 percent.
Via Billy
Let me begin on a personal note. I am a 56-year-old, third-generation, African American Washingtonian who is a graduate of the D.C. public schools and who happens also to be a great admirer of Robert E. Lee's.
Today, Lee, who surrendered his troops to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House 134 years ago, is under attack by people -- black and white -- who have incorrectly characterized him as a traitorous, slaveholding racist. He was recently besieged in Richmond by those opposed to having his portrait displayed prominently in a new park.
My first visit to Lee's former home, now Arlington National Cemetery, came when I was 12 years old, and it had a profound and lasting effect on me. Since then I have visited the cemetery hundreds of times searching for grave sites and conducting study tours for the Smithsonian Institution and various other groups interested in learning more about Lee and his family as well as many others buried at Arlington.
Lee's life story is in some ways the story of early America.
Let me begin on a personal note. I am a 56-year-old, third-generation, African American Washingtonian who is a graduate of the D.C. public schools and who happens also to be a great admirer of Robert E. Lee's.
Today, Lee, who surrendered his troops to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House 134 years ago, is under attack by people -- black and white -- who have incorrectly characterized him as a traitorous, slaveholding racist. He was recently besieged in Richmond by those opposed to having his portrait displayed prominently in a new park.
My first visit to Lee's former home, now Arlington National Cemetery, came when I was 12 years old, and it had a profound and lasting effect on me. Since then I have visited the cemetery hundreds of times searching for grave sites and conducting study tours for the Smithsonian Institution and various other groups interested in learning more about Lee and his family as well as many others buried at Arlington.
Lee's life story is in some ways the story of early America.
More @ VA UDC
Never Trump Rep. Mark Sanford Flailing Heading into Primary with Pro-Trump Challenger
Sanford is paying the price for his intransigence against the Republican Party and against the president, as Arrington surges ahead in his June 12 primary. Another Republican House member not sufficiently in line with the president’s agenda, Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC), has already lost a primary to pro-Trump challenger Dr. Mark Harris, and Sanford is feeling the same heat Pittenger did in his race ahead of June 12.
Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC) is limping into his primary on June 12 against State Rep. Katie Arrington, as Sanford’s repeated public rebukes of President Donald Trump on behalf of the Never Trump movement take center stage in this battle for the ages on the campaign trail in the first in the South presidential primary state.
Sanford, who ran to CNN to refuse to endorse President Trump’s re-election in April alongside the staunch Never Trumper, retiring Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), and others, is by all accounts struggling heading into the primary just over a couple weeks from now.
More @ Breitbart
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