Monday, April 28, 2014

BLM Siege At Bunkerville - The Real Story

Via LH

  Undeveloped BLM grazing land near Bunkerville, April 2014

 Developed former BLM land near Bunkerville, May 2013

Neil Kornze joined the Bureau of Land Management in 2011. He has been leading the BLM as Deputy Director for the past year.  Before his appointment, Kornze worked as a Senior Policy Advisor to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.
In 2013, following a five year recession, business in Mesquite, Nevada, five miles north of Bunkerville and 80 miles north of Las Vegas, began a miraculous recovery. Millions of dollars began to be invested in the area, and tired resort properties were lavishly refurbished. Retirement communities such as Sun City Mesquite sprung back to life and realtors began to again find buyers for expensive riverside or golf course frontage homes.
However, unbeknownst to the public, several miles down the Virgin River from the City of Mesquite, a lone hold out Mormon rancher named Cliven Bundy was about to throw a wrench in the works and bring anticipated development in the Riverside Road and Gold Butte area to a sudden stop because his cattle were "trespassing" on some of the most desirable real estate in Clark County.  He was to act alone because all his fellow ranchers had sold their spreads earlier.
Enter United States Senator Harry Reid.


  1. Apparently, MVB is now urging supporters of the Bundy family to stop sending donations to the numerous individuals who are defending the Bundy ranch.
    His request is posed as if vounteers and those defending are solely OK’s., and that anyone who has/is donating logistical goods are only sending it to stewie and his quislings.

    “The cluster coital stuation at the Bundy Ranch. Hold up on the donations of gear, goods and green until the situation becomes clearer:
    I’ll hopefully have an intelligent analysis later today of what has been happening with provocateurism, disinformation and infighting at the Bundy Ranch since the moment I got on the plane to come back east, but I am awaiting some further communication from Oath Keepers. Hold up on the donations of gear, goods and green until the situation becomes clearer.”
    Posted by Dutchman6 at 8:16 AM.

    1. Apparently, MVB is now urging supporters of the Bundy family to stop sending donations to the numerous individuals who are defending the Bundy ranch.
      His request is posed as if vounteers and those defending are solely OK’s., and that anyone who has/is donating logistical goods are only sending it to stewie and his quislings.

      Thanks and I see no reason to abide by his wishes.

  2. Now that the Laughlin River Run is finished, there are a bunch of ATF, FBI, DEA and other assorted vermin in the Las Vegas area with nothing else to do. They weren't able to instigate another riot among the 1% bikers, so they have all their gear and no place else to go.

    I hope the folks out at the Bundy ranch are being a little more vigilant.

    1. and other assorted vermin in the Las Vegas area with nothing else to do. They weren't able to instigate another riot among the 1% bikers, so they have all their gear and no place else to go.

      Priceless. :) I hope so also.

  3. We need to send Glen Beck a box of kotex - super plus for heavy flow.

  4. I've been a fan of Beck for a long time and have given him a lot of latitude when he
    went astray but his recent actions along with the distorted and insulting view of the old south that he and David Barton are spewing have about made me join the rest of you
    and kick him to the curb.
